09 January 2012

From Sets to Lists

The Fluidinfo API has just been updated from version 1.13 to version 1.14. There is a single change to the API: where previously it supported sets of strings as a primitive type for tag values, it now instead supports lists of strings. The differences are:

  • in lists, the order of elements is significant, whereas is sets it is not
  • in lists, repetition is allowed, whereas in sets an element is either present of absent.

In mathematics, sets are conventionally denoted using braces {...} whereas lists (sequences) are more often denoted using either square brackets [...] or parentheses (...), and this is also true in some more mathematical programming languages, such as Python.

The following pair of interactions with Fish illustrates the difference. Here is the old behaviour, with a slightly older version of Fish:

$ fish --version
fish 4.20

$ fish show fluidinfo /fluiddb/version /fluiddb/release-date
Object with about="fluidinfo":
  /fluiddb/api-version = "1.13"
  /fluiddb/release-date = "2011-12-02T02:28:17Z"

$ fish tag Paris airports='{"Orly", "Charles de Gaulle", "Orly"}'

$ fish show Paris airports
Object with about="Paris":
  /njr/airports = {
    "Charles de Gaulle",

Notice how the set specified as {"Orly", "Charles de Gaulle", "Orly"} has been deduplicated and reordered, and that Fish uses braces to denote the value.

Here is the new behaviour, with a new version of Fish that I’ve just pushed to Github:

$ fish --version
fish 4.24

$ fish show fluidinfo /fluiddb/version /fluiddb/release-date
Object with about="fluidinfo":
  /fluiddb/api-version = "1.14"
  /fluiddb/release-date = "2012-01-10T00:34:00Z"

$ fish tag Paris airports='["Orly", "Charles de Gaulle", "Orly"]'

$ fish show Paris airportsObject with about="Paris":
  /njr/airports = [
    "Charles de Gaulle",

In this case, order has been preserved, and duplicates in the list have been retained.

For the moment, with an eye to backwards compatibility, Fish allows you to use either braces or square brackets when specifying a compound tag value, but always reports the result using square brackets.

For people interfacing with Fluidinfo directly through the API, there is no syntactic change since compound values were already sent to and returned from the API using JSON lists. The difference is behavioural, with order and duplicates now being preserved in lists sent to Fluidinfo where previously they were not.

Existing compound values will be returned in an unspecified order.

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