27 May 2011

Like Twitter For Data

Fluidinfo is

Like Twitter for Data.

How so?

Like Twitter, it lets anyone say anything about anything, but using structured data (numbers, booleans, strings etc.) instead of (just) text.

Like Twitter, it encourages short annotations — often a single bit of information like “I plan to read this” (to-read), sometimes a number, like a rating of 7/10 (rating=7), or a small bit of text, like the name of a song or the title of a book. (You can store larger things like, pictures, or books, too).

As on Twitter, different people can express different opinions about the same thing, and there’s a mechanism for grouping information on the same thing (in Twitter’s case, hashtags and trending topics; in Fluidinfo’s case, the object and its about tag). Where Twitter has search, Fluidinfo has a precise (but simple) query language.

As with Twitter, many different tools can be used to work with the same underlying data (in Twitter’s case, different client applications and the HTTP API; in Fluidinfo’s, the raw HTTP API, client libraries in a dozen languages, and various applications like Fluinfo Explorer, Tickery, Search etc.)

Finally, Twitter allows you to restrict your tweets so that only certain people can see them if you want to. Fluidinfo info gives you an entire permissions system, letting you choose exactly who can see each of your tags, and even allowing nominated others to set them for you if you like.

Fluidinfo is like Twitter for data.

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