22 August 2009

fdb.py 0.8: Documentation (the new README file)

This post is a webified version of the new README file provided with fdb.py version 0.8.

FDB Python Library

fdb is a primarily a library for providing access to the FluidDB database (http://fluidinfo.com/fluiddb) from Fluidinfo (http://fluidinfo.com/.) There is lots of coverage of the library (and its evolution) at http://abouttag.blogspot.com/.

FDB Command Line Access

fdb can also be used for command-line access to FluidDB. See Using the Command Line.


If you're running python 2.6, fdb.py should just run. With earlier version of python, you need to get access to simplejson and httplib2. You can get simplejson from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/simplejson/ and httplib2 from http://code.google.com/p/httplib2/.


For many operations, you also need an account on FluidDB, and credentials (a username and password). You can get these from
The library allows you to give it your credentials in various different ways, but life is simplest if you stick them in a 2-line file (preferably with restricted read access) in the format
On Unix, the default location for this is ~/.fluidDBcredentials, and on Windows the default file is fluidDBcredentials.ini in your home folder.


The library includes a set of tests. If you have valid credentials, and everything is OK, these should run successfully if you just execute the file fdb.py. For example, at the time of writing this README file (version 0.8 of the fdb), I get this:
$ python fdb.py
Ran 20 tests in 46.311s


Using the Library

Four ways of exploring the library are:
  1. look at the tests (the ones in the class TestFluidDB)
  2. look at the blog (http://abouttag.blogspot.com)
  3. read the function documentation, which is . . . existent.
  4. look at and run example.py, which should print DADGAD and 10.
Here is example.py:
import fdb

db = fdb.FluidDB () # assumes credentials are in the standard place
db.get_tag_value_by_about ('DADGAD', '/fluiddb/about')
(status, value) = db.get_tag_value_by_about ('DADGAD', '/fluiddb/about')
print value
assert db.tag_object_by_about ('DADGAD', 'rating', 10) == 0
(status, value) = db.get_tag_value_by_about ('DADGAD', 'rating')
print value

Using the Command Line

Commands can be run by giving arguments to fdb.py. For a list of commands, use
    python fdb.py help
An example command is
    python fdb.py show -a DADGAD rating /fluiddb/about
Obviously, if you want to use fdb as a command from the shell, it will probably be convenient to use an alias or create a trivial shell script to run it. I use bash, with the alias
    alias fdb='python ~/python/fluiddb/fdb.py'
which allows me to type
    fdb show -a DADGAD rating /fluiddb/about


Also distributed with fdb itself is code for accessing delicious.com (http://del.icio.us/, as was), and for migrating bookmarks and other data to FluidDB. This also includes functionality for creating web homepages from delicious based on a home tag.
A further post on using the del.icio.us uploader and other functionality will follow.

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